Tim Keaton has been a dedicated craftsman and a staple in the Akron roofing industry for decades.  He has ran his own company as well as worked for the union perfecting his craft.  C & S was honored to have Tim join their team.  Not only is he a quality roofer but devoted to ensuring that his customers receive the very best service.  This is evident by the demand of repeat business he still generates to this day.   I got a chance to sit and talk with Tim, which was quite the experience.  He is a reserved, solid type of character who loves to joke a bit.

(Interviewer)  Hi, Tim.  Thanks for sitting with me today.  I know you were a little hesitant about being interviewed.

(Tim) (Chuckles) Who told you that?  Rick? (laughs heartily)  He has been working me like a dog!

(Interviewer)  I imagine so, you guys are seeing a lot of growth this year.  We will talk about that, but lets first find out about you.  What makes Tim tick?

(Tim) (laughs) I am ready when you are.

(Interviewer)  Tell me about your family.  Are you married?  Kids?

(Tim)  I am no longer married but I have four great kids; Jeremy, Justin, Jenny & Jessica.  I also have a grandson on the way (with a big smile).

(Interviewer)  Congratulations! I am sure you are looking forward to meeting him!  So besides being anxious to meet your first grandchild, what other hobbies do you have, that is when Rick gives you time off (chuckles).

(Tim)  Thanks!  When I do get time off of working, which doesn’t seem to happen much, I really enjoy taking bike rides with my kids.  I also love hanging out with friends and family at bonfires.  When I get some additional time to get away, I love taking trips out west.

(Interviewer)  That all sounds relaxing.  Do you have any “fun-facts”.

(Tim)  (ponders the question for a few minutes, then laughs) I would have to say I have a habit of taking lighters.  I don’t set out to take lighters, it just kind of happens.  All the guys on the crews know not to leave a lighter hanging around, I might use it and “forget” to give it back.  (laughs)

(Interviewer) That is more of a “fun fact”for you, not so much for your “victims”.  (chuckles) You mentioned you like to go out west, what is your favorite vacation?

(Tim)  I do like to travel and see different areas of our country.  My favorite traveling times were when the kids were young and we would take trips to Lake Erie and to our family home in Kentucky.  These trips mean a lot to me because they were times that the family was all together.  It made us closer.  I also enjoy our company trips to Vegas every year.  It is just a time to “cut-loose”, relax and really get to know each other.

(Interviewer)  Sounds like you have had some fantastic memories!  Especially your trips with your family.

(Tim)  Yeah, they are all grown now and have their own lives.  It is bittersweet to remember those trips but I am so grateful that I have them.

(Interviewer)  Since we know a little about you personally lets hear a little about your professional life.  How many years do you have in the construction industry?

(Tim) (laughs)  Does forever count?  I have over 30 years in this industry.

(Interviewer)  30 years!  Wow! Do you remember your first construction job?

(Tim)  At 13 I got to help demo the garage which was being remodeled to become my bedroom.  The best part, I got to push my brother through the wall (laughs while remembering).

(Interviewer)  With sibling rivalry I am sure that was satisfying.  I have a brother I would have enjoyed pushing through a wall.  (laughs)  When did you start in construction when you were older?

(Tim)  I did some odd laboring work until about 21.  A friend and I decided to start a roofing company.  We started with an old beat up truck and only a few old tools.  After the first year we were able to purchase a new truck and new roofing tools.  My friend then decided that he needed something “more stable” and he gave the company to me.  I was a little nervous running a company at such a young age while raising a family.

(Interviewer)  That is impressive! For such a young man to provide a service to our community and keep the same customers for decades is not something you hear about frequently.  In all that time do you have a favorite job or customer that you have worked for?

(Tim)  With out a doubt it is my customer Rick Gibson.  Rick hired me years ago to do some renovations on his Akron University rental properties.  He like my work well enough that he then had me assist in building his new home.  Our relationship has not just been professional.  Through the years we have become good friends.  He has been at my children’s graduation and our family gatherings.  I have a lot of respect for him and have been grateful to have him as a friend.

(Interviewer)  I would never have guessed you were sentimental with such a rough exterior.  So, I must ask, why did you choose to work with C & S?

(Tim)  I have felt like family from day one!  Rick creates an atmosphere of family and teamwork amongst the guys that work for him.  I have never felt like I have a boss with C & S just an extended team to work together. I have told Rick, this is my last ship.  I have worked for myself, they union, and other companies but this is where I will retire from.

(Interviewer)  You are making me consider working for C & S (chuckles).  It seems like you have the autonomy to complete your work.

(Tim)  I do, I enjoy that.

(Interviewer)  Other than retiring from C & S, what are your goals for the future?

(Tim)  Peace & Harmony for me, my family and our communities.

(Interviewer)  Thank you so much for sitting down and talking with me today.

(Tim)  Thank you!

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